SGSCA AGM 2021 Postponed

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) normally held in May is postponed until further notice.

At this time due to the Covid-19 situation, the Simon Gregorcic S.C.A. Annual General Meeting (AGM) is postponed until further notice. We hope and anticipate that the AGM will be held before the end of September 2021. All existing and new members are encouraged to attend.

Your ongoing support for the association is needed and together we strengthen our commitment to Slovenian community, traditions and heritage. This meeting allows members to discuss any topics related to the organization and committee general elections are held on this date.

Membership Fees: $35 per individual, $50 per family. Cash or cheque payment (made out to Simon Gregorcic S.C.A.).

Thank you for your continued support, involvement and participation. Your involvement is very important and every member is a valuable part of the Simon Gregorcic S.C.A. community. We truly appreciate your ongoing support.

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